Below is the Terms of Reference.
Please declare your interest by Wednesday Nov. 24, 2023, as first meeting may be on a day between December 11 to Dec 21 in the afternoon.
1. Intent
These terms of reference apply to the Richmond-Steveston Youth Advisory Committee (“Committee”).
2. Purpose
The Committee’s purposes are to:
a. Provide advice and act as a resource to MLA Kelly Greene and staff of the Richmond-Steveston constituency office; and
b. Propose and support activities that inform and advance youth priorities in Richmond and British Columbia.
3. Objectives
The objectives of the Committee are as follows:
a. Raise awareness and understanding of priorities and programming for youth;
b. Provide feedback on provincial government strategies, policies and programs as they pertain to young persons’ experience;
c. Propose provincial programs and events that support the youth experience;
d. Meet to discuss items 3.a. to 3.c. nine times per year.
4. Composition
Appointments of Members:
a. The Committee is to consist of up to nine residents of Richmond, appointed by MLA Kelly Greene, who:
i. Are between the ages of 16 and 24;
ii. Must not be provincial government employees.
b. A minimum of four committee members must be women or gender diverse people. Overall membership of the Committee should represent a variety of backgrounds.
c. The Committee will choose from among its members one Chair and one Vice-Chair.
d. MLA Kelly Greene and/or constituency office staff shall attend Committee meetings.
5. Term
a. Appointment to the Committee is for a one year term, with the exception for youth moving cities for post-secondary who join and remain on the Committee until summertime.
b. Appointment to the Committee is to be limited to four consecutive terms, or until age 24 years, whichever comes first.
c. Appointments are served at the pleasure of MLA Kelly Greene and/or constituency office staff.
d. Attendance may be in person or virtual and every effort will be made to accommodate the preference of each Committee member.
e. Should a member miss more than three consecutive meetings, membership to the Committee may be reviewed by MLA Kelly Greene and/or constituency staff.
6. Code of Conduct
a. Conflict of Interest:
i. A conflict of interest exists if a Committee member has a direct or indirect pecuniary (financial) interest in the outcome of Committee deliberations.
ii. Committee members who have a conflict of interest with a topic being discussed shall declare the conflict, describe the nature of the conflict, leave the room prior to any discussions and shall refrain from providing direction to deliberations and recommendations.
b. Professionalism:
i. Committee members are expected to Employees are to treat each other with respect and dignity and must not engage in discriminatory conduct prohibited by the Human Rights Code.
ii. Further, members must meet acceptable social standards and must contribute to a positive work environment. Bullying or any other inappropriate conduct compromising the integrity of the Committee will not be tolerated.
iii. Members must attend and (when applicable) prepare for meetings, arrive at meetings on time and participate in the Committee’s mandate.
c. Reporting and Social Media:
i. The Committee members may not represent themselves as having any authority beyond that delegated in the Terms of Reference. Committee members should identify themselves as an individual, not as representatives of the Committee when communicating externally to the Richmond-Steveston constituency office.
ii. Members should be mindful of their use of social media, as it pertains to the professionalism and privacy of the Committee and Committee members.